DIY Accessibility Lunch ‘n’ Learn: Folwell Web Theme Accessibility

Join the Accessibility Ambassadors on Thursday, August 27, for a presentation by Kathy Jensen and Dimitri Tadege of University Relations on the accessibility of the Folwell Web Theme.

When the Folwell Web Theme was created, component accessibility was considered every step of the way. Kathy and Dimitri will talk about the up-front research done for each component, the methods used to properly configure components to be accessible, the testing done for each component during and after development, and the ongoing updates being made to keep Folwell accessible.

This presentation will be useful for anyone who makes websites on and is interested in using the Folwell theme to help make their sites more accessible.

Recording: DIY Accessibility Lunch ‘n’ Learn: Folwell Web Theme Accessibility

About the Ambassadors

Accessibility Ambassadors is a group of University staff who are passionate about making U of M digital resources more accessible online. They bring different skills, strengths, and backgrounds, but all want to create an inclusive and accessible community at the U.

They host events to teach, advocate, and discuss digital accessibility topics and strive to be resources for the University community.

For more information, join the Google Group or send an email to: