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Marketing and Branding

Scope of Work

In our work to raise the profile of the University locally, nationally, and internationally, the University Relations Marketing team focuses on marketing strategies and solutions that shine a light on the great minds and amazing discoveries that improve the lives of people throughout the state and the world. The marketing team applies a unified and strategic approach that leverages the strength of the University's brand, Driven to Discover, to demonstrate the University’s value and rich contributions.

Through the PEAK initiative, the marketing team provides a slate of common good services to campuses, colleges, and units that were identified as those of greatest need. 

Common Good Services

The common good services noted below were identified through the systemwide HAAS survey (Huron Administrative Activity Study) as those of greatest need. We define in-scope services as those that directly: 

  • support your campus, college, or administrative unit and broader University strategic goals; 
  • achieve clear marketing objectives; and 
  • affect your primary campus, college, or unit website/s; related high-profile center or institute websites; or primary administrative sites. Support for those projects includes website development, content strategy, informational architecture, design, testing, usability, and management of agreed-upon websites.

Common good services that fit the above criteria are then identified through planning sessions with campus, college and admin unit Marcom Leads and documented in annual services level agreements.

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Account Services

  • Brand Management: Provide training for local unit Marcom leaders; Develop brand assets; Consult with units on brand alignment.
  • Marketing Planning & Strategy Consultation: Provide marketing consultation to other University units; Promote standard marketing and branding processes. Consult on all campus/college/unit marketing objectives (including KPIs) and plans
  • Paid Advertising & Freelance Management: Consult with unit on strategy, evaluate and identify alignment and efficiency opportunities for media planning, creative concepting, production of marketing campaigns; connect Marcom Lead to vendors who will meet project objectives
  • Social Media Strategy: Guidance on strategy, measurement and KPIs
  • User Experience: Collaborate with Usability Services to conduct audience research and develop strategy for user testing, including goals, questions, scenarios
  • Digital Strategy & Consultation: New website planning, Content and channel strategy, SEO, digital advertising consultation.
  • Project Management for all in-scope work

Creative Services

  • Graphic Design for campus, college or main admin unit marketing projects; includes brand identity system development
  • Multimedia Production: Photography and Video production
  • Written Content: Video scripts, stories, articles, and faculty features for marketing projects
  • Digital Creative & Production: Wireframing, digital storytelling, writing content and basic style (e.g. headlines, titles) for digital, web design, photo slideshows, content asset packages, original asset creation specific to common good services project

Digital Communications

  • Web Development: 
    • Develop, modernize, refine, and test websites for primary campus/college/unit website/s, and related high profile center/institute websites, or public-facing administrative sites; 
    • Develop and build responsive websites in Drupal 10 Enterprise using HTML, CSS, PHP, Twig, and Javascript.
    • Provide ongoing support for adding font awesome icons, applying color blocking, setting up microsites, updating header and footers, updating content types (News, Events, Slider), answering day-to-day support questions, and more;
    • Conduct accessibility testing and remediation for websites; 
    • Prepare for major Drupal updates for content types, components, and custom modules; 
    • Manage and execute system integrations (e.g. LiveWhale, Google calendars, RSS feed, Threads, X, etc.)
  • Knowledge Transfer: 
    • Provide site-specific documentation and training for content editors
    • Provide Folwell documentation and training

Measurement & Analytics

  • Analytics and measurement goal setting - working with unit to determine KPIs and tracking recommendations (determine if services can be offered to out of scope projects based on resources)
  • Google Analytics Looker Studio Training
  • Data visualization tools and templates such as Tableau, Google Looker Studio
  • Data collection, measurement, analysis, insights and recommendations for projects UR is partnering with unit to implement

Agency Model

University Relations uses the agency model, which brings talent and expertise from across our teams to develop the best recommendation that will achieve the objectives. Below is an outline of that model and process:

  • Unit Marcom Lead and UR Team Leads define in-scope work in Service Level Agreement
  • Unit Marcom Lead Submits Project request form:
  • UR core team reviews request in terms of UR scope; for work UR will provide, this process follows:
    • Assign teams and project manager
    • Develop recommendation
    • Share with Marcom Lead
    • Produce or deliver agreed upon work
    • Measure
  • UR & unit will use Asana to track project details, reviews, approvals

Agency model

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Discovery/Data Gathering

Marcom Lead submits project request to

  • UR Directors review through lens of SLA agreement. If not in SLA will meet with client to discuss how need could be met.

Follow up with partner to discuss next steps 

  • If in SLA but more info needed, PM will meet with Marcom Lead to gather additional details (e.g. goals, timing), share with UR Directors and confirm next steps.

Determine scope and resources required  

  • Directors and PM define scope, resource needs to fully execute project, and service provider.  

Service provider defined; team assembled 

  • If UR will take on project, team will be assembled.
  • If vendor/freelancer resources are required, UR strategist will discuss with Marcom Lead. 

Add project to PM tool

  • PM adds project  to PM tool and provides Marcom Lead access.

Draft project brief 

  • PM drafts brief/ timeline

Marcom Lead reviews/ approves brief 

  • PM shares brief/ timeline with Marcom Lead for approval.

Project plan/Development


  • PM schedules and facilitates Marcom Lead and team kickoff to review project brief and timeline.

Marcom Lead check-in/status updates

  • PM provides regular updates or checks in with Marcom Lead on questions that may arise, using PM tool unless meeting is best.

Present approach 

  • PM schedules meeting with Marcom Lead for team to share recommended concept(s)/ approach.

Marcom Lead feedback gathered, reflected 

  • PM gathers Marcom Lead feedback and works with team to reflect in revised approach.

Present revised approach

  • PM sends revised approach to Marcom Lead, determines need for meeting to review. 

Gather final feedback from Marcom Lead

  • PM gathers final feedback on concept(s)/ project approach from Marcom Lead.


Develop agreed upon deliverables

  • PM and directors work with team to develop agreed upon deliverables.
  • PM confirms specs with Marcom Lead, adds to PM tool and shares details with Measurement & Analytics team for measurement plan. 

Final draft review; PM provides project status to Marcom Lead

  • Last-eyes edit; developers test in browsers and accessibility tools.

Marcom Lead reviews and approves

  • PM shares finished product with Marcom Lead for sign-off.

PM confirms final specs for all deliverables

  • PM confirms and records quantity, final specs, delivery details, redirects, training docs; and launches plan.

PM provides  final deliverables to Marcom Lead

  • PM sends final project to Marcom Lead; launches websites


  • Project team archives all project files and decommissions former websites

Team Members

Ann Aronson

Chief Marketing Officer

Laura Johnson

Senior Director of Account Services

Sara Froehlich

Director of Digital Communications

Susan Hagen

Director of Creative Services

Eric Meyer

Director of Measurement & Analytics

Account Services


Anna Abbott
Marketing Strategist
Amanda Bresnahan
Digital Marketing Strategist
Jason Kaiser
Marketing Strategist
Susan King
Digital Strategist
Megan Ripka
Digital Strategist
Lisa Sikkink
Digital Marketing Strategist
Kelly Voigt
Senior Marketing Strategist
Shari White
Senior Digital Strategist
Cheryl Zupec
Marketing Strategist

Creative Services


Brian Carnell
Video Producer
Alex Dorner
Social Media Strategist
Katie Gallagher
Graphic/Multimedia Designer
Pamela Hart
Multimedia Designer
Sarah Issa
Social Media Associate
Amber Johnson
Video Producer
Eric Miller
Austin Montelius
Multimedia Designer
Rick Moore
Deane Morrison
Adam Overland
Principal Editor/Writer
Zandra Phouisangiem
Multimedia Designer
Ashley Piediscalzi
Principal Multimedia Designer
Wade Rupard
Principal Writer/Editor
Ranja Sem
Principal Multimedia Designer
Karley Shoenberg
Multimedia Designer

Digital Communications


Brennan Atchison
Developer 2
Padmasripriya Bhamidipati
Developer 2
Mark Byart
Developer 2
Shehan Fernando
Developer 2
Brandt Hinterberg
Developer 2
Erik Hunter
Developer 1
Frank Nelson
Developer 3
Tamera Peake
Developer 1
Ben Peck
Digital Communications Assistant
Kyle-Jordan Reid
Developer 2
Matt Senger
Developer 3
Dimitri Tadege
Senior Developer and Technical Team Lead
Kristin Williams
Developer 2

Brand Request

Submit your logos and branding, photos and videos, or donation request

Project Request

Submit your project request

Story Submission

Share your ideas for stories to be featured on the website.