Accessibility Ambassadors: Intersections of Student Success and Disabling Experiences

Do you think about student success, and what we might be doing to reduce that success? Khaled Musa will introduce the topic by illustrating the different ways inaccessibility impacts academic success, and Angela Carter from MN Transform will describe how people experience disability on campus and the role of the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Steven Hawks, director of undergraduate assessment, and Katie Lust, director of research at Boynton Health, will share data from the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) Survey and a Boynton health report regarding students with disabilities, including those experiencing mental health concerns.

Recording: Intersection of Student Success and Disabling Experiences recording (1:27:56)

About Accessibility Ambassadors

Accessibility Ambassadors is a group of University employees from across all campuses who are passionate about making U of M digital resources more accessible online. They bring different skills, strengths, and backgrounds, but all want to create an inclusive and accessible community at the U of M.

They host events to teach, advocate, and discuss digital accessibility topics and strive to be resources for the University community.

To learn about more accessibility-related events at the University of Minnesota, please visit Accessible U.

For more information about the Ambassadors, join the Google Group or send an email to: