Ready for download: Safety Style Guide

Centralizing and aligning safety initiatives and messaging is part of the University’s strategic approach to promoting a safe environment on campus.

Safety communications style guide

The safety communications style guide provides graphic templates and editorial guidelines for consistency in safety communications. The safety style guide helps to establish:

  • Shared voice and tone
  • Official terminology
  • Visual identity
  • Social media principles

Safety has increasingly become a topic of interest for our audiences and stakeholders and this style guide is a tool to help you in your messaging.

Safety graphic templates

To help with your efforts to promote safety, we’ve developed these graphic templates. Use them to create customized safety messages specific for your audiences.

Safety campaign content and assets

We appreciate your support in amplifying safety campaign messages through your channels and we have developed three additional messages for you to use.

  • Winter safety tips
  • Vehicle and valuables safety
  • Residences safety

The content can be used in addition to the existing campaign messages.

This folder includes all of the assets and as well as  information for requesting additional posters through Printing Services’ print on demand system. You will not incur any charges for these posters.

Please contact Kari Nolan, assistant director of safety communications, for more information about the University’s strategic safety communications or with questions about these assets.