AI will make us more human

It seems like artificial intelligence has been in the headlines daily since one of the more popular AIs, Chat GPT, was released in November of 2022. Already there are AI tools for text, graphical, video, and audio content generation, and more and it can feel overwhelming to try to keep track of it all.

The truth is, you’re likely already using AI in your work at the U of M and in your everyday life. Salesforce and Google Analytics have AI features and if you’re listening to music or participating in any e-commerce, AI is part of that. There are even AI tools that can analyze your writing so that the AI sounds like you.

One thing that you can be absolutely certain of is that AI is not going away, and it’s likely to improve significantly as the technology progresses.

But there is hope: AI will not write feature stories about students doing amazing things at the U of M; get authentic quotes from researchers about their work; nor take photos and shoot video. But it may edit those feature stories, analyze research and suggest a template for a news release, and help edit, analyze, and organize those photos and videos. In this way, the things which humans do that cannot be replicated, such as writing with an authentic voice, are likely to become more valuable. And so AI may, in this regard, make us more human, and demand more of our unique skills in content development.

In the meantime, the best way to discover how AI tools might help you in your work at the U of M is to explore these tools, but do so with some guidelines in mind from UR marketing.

Think of AI tools like ChatGPT as a starting point or an assist

Use it for: 

  • Brainstorming and content ideation
  • Gathering basic research/information for use as background
  • Writing copy, copyediting, drafting emails, social media posts, creating graphic design examples, and more
  • SEO optimization
  • Data analysis

Do not use it for: 

  • Institution-specific content development
  • Forward-facing, external content development
  • Writing alt-text 
  • As an extension in your browser

Be cautious, clear, and honest

  • Be transparent about your use of AI 
  • AI is a tool, not a work replacement
  • Its sources often can’t be verified and the content could be incorrect. All AI content should be reviewed and verified within the domain of one’s expertise
  • Ensure all content is accessible and complies with other Marcom best practices, data privacy policies, and appropriate use of U of M data
  • If you are selecting a tool for your marketing that uses AI, be sure to run it through OIT

Some reading to help you get started

Just for fun

Here’s what Chat GPT came up with when we asked it to “write a 200 word blog post about the use of AI in marketing including its benefits and limitations.” 

Harnessing AI in Marketing: Advantages and Constraints

In today's dynamic business realm, the strategic integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing has emerged as a pivotal force. AI's profound impact is reshaping marketing paradigms, empowering marketers to execute targeted campaigns, optimize customer experiences, and achieve unprecedented levels of personalization.

Benefits of AI in Marketing:

Hyper-Personalization: AI meticulously analyzes consumer data, enabling marketers to craft bespoke content and offers. This tailored approach amplifies customer engagement and cultivates brand allegiance.

Data-Driven Insights: AI algorithms swiftly process data, unearthing valuable insights to steer strategic decisions. Marketers can decipher trends, preferences, and behavioral patterns, refining campaigns for maximum impact.

Efficiency and Automation: Mundane tasks like data analysis, customer segmentation, and lead nurturing are streamlined with AI, granting marketers more time for creativity and strategy. This results in heightened productivity and cost efficiencies.

Limitations of AI in Marketing:

Human Touch Absence: While AI excels in data analysis, replicating human marketers' emotional intelligence and nuanced comprehension remains a challenge. Establishing authentic relationships may prove demanding.

Privacy Concerns: AI's data-intensive nature raises apprehensions about privacy and security. Balancing personalization with privacy protection is a critical hurdle.

Initial Costs and Learning Curve: AI implementation requires substantial financial investment and learning efforts for marketing teams. Integration and training can be resource-intensive.

In summation, AI's assimilation in marketing holds immense promise for reshaping audience connections. While AI offers invaluable insights and efficiencies, addressing its limitations is crucial to harness its potential fully. By striking a harmonious equilibrium, marketers can effectively leverage AI's prowess to redefine the future of marketing.