Accessibility Ambassadors: ADA Title II and the UMN

Join members of the Office for Digital Accessibility (ODA), in collaboration with the Office for Equity and Diversity (OED) and the UMN Libraries, for an overview of the new ADA Title II rule changes and their implications for the University community. If you are working with Canvas courses, managing or editing a website for the University, or working in public communication, you have until April 2026 to make sure all digital content complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standard.

This webinar will go over what types of content are included and what the exceptions are. Most importantly, we will share what the University has done in preparation to date, and what we are doing to meet the compliance deadline. We will also share recommendations and resources to help you raise awareness in your college or department.

We anticipate a large number of participants. In order to answer as many questions as possible, please submit your questions to the Accessibility Ambassadors DOJ Title II and the U Questions form in advance.

ADA Title II and the UMN
Thursday, September 26, noon-1 p.m.

Registration for this session is required. Let us know if you are attending. By default, we enable auto-captioning in the webinar. Please let us know what additional accommodations we can provide. Two weeks notice (September 12) will help us to better fulfill requests. This session will be recorded, captioned, and shared with the Google Group.

About Accessibility Ambassadors

Accessibility Ambassadors is a group of University employees from across all campuses who are passionate about making U of M digital resources more accessible online. They bring different skills, strengths, and backgrounds, but all want to create an inclusive and accessible community at the U of M.

They host events to teach, advocate, and discuss digital accessibility topics and strive to be resources for the University community.

To learn about more accessibility-related events at the University of Minnesota, please visit Accessible U.

For more information about the Ambassadors, join the Google Group or send an email to: