Accessibility Ambassadors: Creating accessible social media

Social media is an expanding presence in our digital world, and making content accessible for all users is a vital skill to develop. In this month’s Accessibility Ambassadors session, learn how to apply the 7 core skills to your social media presence. DM Lavoie from UMN Academic Technology Support Services will cover:

  • How to create accessible social media posts
  • Where accessibility features can be found in social media tools
  • Creating accessible images, video, and audio for social media
  • Creating accessible email marketing campaigns

Creating accessible social media
Thursday, January 30, noon-1 p.m.

Registration for this session is required. Let us know if you are attending. By default, we enable auto-captioning in the webinar. Please let us know what additional accommodations we can provide. Two weeks notice (January 16) will help us to better fulfill requests. This session will be recorded, captioned, and shared with the Google Group.

About Accessibility Ambassadors

Accessibility Ambassadors is a group of University employees from across all campuses who are passionate about making U of M digital resources more accessible online. They bring different skills, strengths, and backgrounds, but all want to create an inclusive and accessible community at the U of M.

They host events to teach, advocate, and discuss digital accessibility topics and strive to be resources for the University community.

To learn about more accessibility-related events at the University of Minnesota, please visit the Office for Digital Accessibility website.

For more information about the Ambassadors, join the Google Group or send an email to: