Colors and Type


Maroon and Gold are well known by the University of Minnesota audiences and are critical in ensuring audiences quickly recognize that a message, product, or precedence is connected to the university. All marks and campaign graphics must use official colors or black and white.

Maroon and gold must be prominent in all designs for print and digital. This means that, at first glance, the design “looks and feels” like it is coming from the University.

Versions for Print and Digital

For print, use CMYK or Pantone versions of University colors. For digital, such as the web, presentations, or PDFs that will be viewed online, use the RGB or HEX versions.

Primary Colors

The official UMN maroon, gold or both should be the primary colors used for any print or digital communications.

UMN Maroon
CMYK 0 100 61 43
Pantone 202c, 201u  
RGB 122 0 25
HEX #7a0019

UMN Gold
CMYK 0 27 76 0
Pantone 136c, 116u  
RGB 255 204 51
HEX #ffcc33

Secondary Colors

Besides the official maroon and gold, shades of maroon and gold may be paired with the official versions for tone-on-tone graphics, etc.

These official secondary colors are also used with the Folwell web theme.

Dark Maroon
CMYK  23 84 54 68
RGB  91 0 19
HEX #5b0013

Light Maroon
CMYK 5 100 71 22
RGB 144 0 33
HEX #900021

Dark Gold
CMYK 0 38 95 0
RGB 255 183 30
HEX #ffb71e

Light Gold
CMYK 1 11 62 0
RGB 255 222 122
HEX #ffde7a

Darker Gray
CMYK 69 63 62 58
RGB 52 51 51
HEX #333333

Dark Gray
CMYK 63 55 54 28
RGB 90 90 90
HEX #5a5a5a

Medium Gray
CMYK 55 47 45 11
RGB 119 118 120
HEX #777677

Light Gray
CMYK 16 11 14 0
RGB 212 214 210
HEX #d5d6d2

Secondary Colors — Digital Only

Lighter Gray
RGB 240 239 238
HEX #f0efee

Off White
RGB 249 247 246
HEX #f9f7f6


Typography for Digital Publications

Open Sans is the recommended font for use on University websites. It includes a wide number of font styles, and offer a wide array of special characters. It is a free Google font and is used in the U's Folwell Web Theme.

Neutraface is the University’s official font and may be use on websites when purchased through the vendor that created the font, House Industries. The University does not have an enterprise license for this font, but units are not required to use it online.

Typography for Print

The University's suggested font is Neutraface. Alternatives include: Frutiger, Helvetica Neue, Hoefler, and Times New Roman.

Neutraface is the Driven to Discover brand typeface.

Preview of Neutraface

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