Photo Headshots

The University Relations photographer offers headshots in the studio at Morrill Hall twice monthly.

Note: headshots are for faculty and staff only.

Headshot dates are:

  • First Tuesday of each month from 9 a.m.-noon
  • Third Wednesday of each month noon-3 p.m.

The photos take approximately 10-15 minutes and scheduling will be in 30 minute blocks. Blocks can be reserved through the Headshot Request form
Please note that a request form submission does not automatically result in a confirmed appointment. Due to high demand, we will assign time slots on a first-come first-served basis. You will receive an email confirmation if we're able to accommodate your request. If we're not able to fulfill your request, we will follow up to offer alternative future times and dates. 

The photo studio is located on the fifth floor of Morrill Hall. Use your U card and enter at ground level, take the lobby elevator to the fourth floor, then the stairs to the fifth floor. Once on the fifth floor, go all the way to the end of the hall.

Please wear solid or simple patterned clothing and preferably not all black or all white. Background is a neutral dark mottled gray. Photo is chest-up so pants/shoes don't show.

For any questions about headshots, contact Eric Miller at