Digital Apps

When developing University of Minnesota digital applications (apps), branding can convey important information about the connection your app has to the university.

The guidelines below are specific to University of Minnesota colleges, campuses, departments, campus life programs, and other groups conducting official University business. Individual students, alumni, or external entities are not permitted to use any University trademarks.

Branding requirements

  • The Block M or other University trademarks are not permitted to be used as the application identity (i.e., app icon) without permission by University Relations. Instead, university trademarks (such as the Block M or Wordmark) may appear in ONE of the following: 
    • On the launch screen
    • On the “About” screen
    • On the “Credits” screen
  • University trademarks, when used, must follow minimum size requirements. Please refer to trademark-specific guidance on size requirements.  
  • Use the official University of Minnesota colors as the main way to associate your app with the University.

Application Icons

The Application Icon is the single best way to differentiate your app from other apps on a person’s device. While the use of the Block M is only permitted by University Relations approval, there are other ways to create the connection: 

  • Application icons should be representative of what the app does.
  • Use the official University of Minnesota colors as the main way to associate your app with the University.
  • Words/acronyms, unless large enough to be legible, should not be used.

Other Guidance

  • Apps developed by official University entities must include the regent's copyright statement. 
  • Apps must explain the relationship to the University in text within the app. For example: “This app was created (or maintained) by xyz college/office.” 
  • Apps may not be referred to as “official” to the University or claim endorsement by any University entity.