Filming and Photography on Campus

This resource is created for individuals interested in capturing images on the campuses of the University of Minnesota.

The University of Minnesota’s historic campuses, buildings, and scenic interior and exterior locations provide exceptional locales for any production. While these spaces can be exceptional spaces, we need to remember that they are first a place of business. We ask anyone considering filming or photographing on our campuses to respect the students, employees, and patients with the following actions:

  • Education - Do not interrupt the educational process without discussing with the instructor.
  • Healthcare - The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the privacy of healthcare information. Any footage captured on or near a location where healthcare is delivered needs to contact (department email provided by Health Sciences group).at least two weeks before filming or photographing starts.
  • Recognizable likeness of an individual - Obtain a photo/video release prior to including a recognizable likeness of anybody.
  • Research - Obtain approval from any researchers before capturing footage.

Requests to film or photograph on University of Minnesota property can be categorized into one of five categories:

Student Classwork

The following guidelines are intended for students wishing to film, videotape, or photograph on campus to complete required coursework. The purpose of these guidelines is to balance access to pursue coursework and academic freedom with securing appropriate spaces for learning and protecting rights to privacy for all University community members.

  • Respectful - You should be respectful of University property and the rights of others, and must not interrupt or hinder classes or other activities occurring at the location.
  • Permission - You must receive permission from the appropriate University representative (building manager, department contact, professor, etc.) having authority for the location being requested. You are solely responsible for securing permission and must follow any additional requirements and guidelines of each location, which vary across campus.
    • You must first receive permission from the instructor before filming, videotaping or photographing in a classroom during a class.
    • If you have permission from the instructor to film, videotape or photo shoot during a class, you must post a legible notice at all doors to the classroom stating that filming is taking place during the class.
  • University branding - You may not use University trademarks or logos --including the wordmark, Block M, and any University of Minnesota mascot -- in your film, video or photos in a manner that implies the University of Minnesota has produced, supports, or endorses the film, video or photos. If an image of a trademark or logo appears in your work for reasons other than to indicate implied endorsement, you should consider including a disclaimer. For example, if you capture footage of the statue of Goldy at Coffman Union in the background of a photo of a person or event you are covering, include a disclaimer in the credits that indicates the photo or video is not produced or endorsed by the University of Minnesota. Submit questions about University marks or logos to
  • Photo releases - You are responsible for obtaining photo releases from those being filmed, if required.

Student Athletes

The following guidelines are intended for anyone wishing to film, videotape, or photograph the University's student athletes on campus. Students must work with the Athletic Compliance office to ensure the requirements of the Name, Image, Likeness policy are met. The purpose of these guidelines is to balance the student athlete’s eligibility with securing appropriate spaces for learning and protecting rights to privacy for all University community members.

  • Respectful - You should be respectful of University property and the rights of others, and must not interrupt or hinder classes or other activities occurring at the location.
  • Permission - You must receive permission from the appropriate University representative (building manager, department contact, etc.) having authority for the location being requested. You are solely responsible for securing permission and must follow any additional requirements and guidelines of each location, which vary across campus.
  • University branding - You may not use University trademarks or logos --including the wordmark, Block M, and Goldy Gopher-- in your film, video or photos without a signed Trademark License Agreement. Complete our brand use request form to initiate a review of your request. See the Name, Image, Likeness policy (pdf) for more information.
  • Photo releases - You are responsible for obtaining photo releases from those being filmed, if required.

Note: the University can use student athletes’ name, image, and likeness to promote charitable, educational, or institutional information as long as they are groups of student athletes in the images and footage. No individual student athlete images or footage may be used.

Non-Commercial Productions

Non-commercial productions do not require completion of a filming agreement. Non-commercial productions include requests for:

  • Personal use, such as outdoor filming/photography for graduation photos, engagement or wedding photos.
  • News use. News organization inquiries can be directed to the University's News Service Team at
  • Use by campus units as part of official business (marketing campaigns, social media videos for official pages, or instructional videos as examples).
    • Note: a written agreement (contract for professional services) between the service provider/vendor and the University unit is required.

Commercial Productions

Commercial productions include all still photography or filming/taping not done by students as part of coursework, news organizations for news purposes, or for official University purposes. On-campus major events and events that place significant demands on University resources should complete a major events proposal form.

General Information - For Production Companies

Note: Production Companies are defined as all those requesting use of university space for filming or photography for commercial purposes.

All uses of University space by a non-University entity must follow Administrative Policy: Use and Lease of Real Estate. In alignment with this policy, any commercial productions taking place on campus must complete a written agreement before any plans may go forward. 

Please allow two weeks prior to the desired filming or photography date(s) for processing of your request. However, if your production is large, affecting multiple areas of campus, or requests to use the name of the University, additional time for campus units as part of official business (marketing campaigns, social media videos for official pages, or instructional videos as examples) will be required to secure permissions and approvals. 

Before any filming can take place,

  • A formal contract outlining the production and use of all imagery captured as part of the production must be signed.
  • Related fees must be paid.
  • A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is needed. The Certificate of Insurance must name “Regents of the University of Minnesota” as additional insured and must show evidence of Comprehensive General Liability insurance in amounts not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 in the aggregate or a combined single limit of $1,000,000.
  • If necessary, a Trademark License Agreement outlining the use of the University's names, logos and trademarks, as approved by University Relations, must be signed.

Request Process

Step 1: Submit Request

  • Check space availability - Email the University contact (see below) for the desired primary location. Provide them the following information:
    • Your name, email and phone number
    • The name and description of the project
    • Requested filming location(s)
    • Date(s) and time(s) for being onsite
    • Name(s) of UMN employees you have been in contact with
    • When and where will the final production be seen
    • Will you request that the University be referenced by name or in images? If yes, provide specific details
    • Name, title and mailing address for authorized signer

Step 2: Review and Follow-up

Once your request is received, the University contact will review to determine:

  • if the production can take place at the University,
  • the need for a Trademark License Agreement,
  • space availability,
  • applicable fees,
  • other special considerations for the production.


  • The University makes every effort to accommodate requests, but requests made during busy times of the year may be difficult to facilitate due to availability of staff and resources. Photography and filming is only allowed during those times least likely to be disruptive to the academic process and to student life.
  • Permission is required by managers and staff of locations affected by your production - this permission process can take several days. It is recommended that requests be submitted at least two weeks in advance.

Step 3: Filming Addendum Draft and Review

Once details of the production have been approved by the University contact, 

  • A Facility Use Agreement will be drafted by the University contact to address your use of space, along with a Filming/Photography Addendum. This agreement may be reviewed by other appropriate University offices such as the Real Estate Office or Facilities Management.
  • Revisions or changes to this addendum must be requested in writing, submitted to the University contact for the space. The changes will need to be further reviewed and approved by the University's Office of the General Counsel. Change requests may take significant time to process and approve.
  • The University of Minnesota name, seal, marks and logos are registered trademarks and may not be used without the written permission of the University’s Office of University Relations. No mention is to be made of, or recognition given to, the University of Minnesota unless specifically authorized through a trademark license agreement. The request for use must be made by the University contact on behalf of the production company.

Step 4: Signing and Submitting Payment

  1. Upon receipt of the agreement signed by the requestor, the University contact will sign and return a final version, with all relevant documentation for the production to the requestor.
  2. The University contact must receive a final signed copy of the agreement along with all fees before the production is allowed on campus. There are no exceptions.
  3. Standard rates for filming at the University (pdf) - Exceptions to these fees are granted only if there is a significant benefit to the University to host the production. Exception requests must be submitted in writing for review.
    1. Still Photography
      1. Half Day Access Fee (up to 6 hours): $500.00
      2. Full Day Access Fee (6 to 12 hours): $1,000.00
      3. Overtime Access Fee (over 12 hours): $250.00 per hour
    2. Video or Film
      1. Half Day Access Fee (up to 6 hours): $1,000.00
      2. Full Day Access Fee (6 to 12 hours): $2,500.00
      3. Overtime Access Fee (over 12 hours): $500.00 per hour

Review Process

All uses of University space by a non-University entity must follow Administrative Policy: Use and Lease of Real Estate. In alignment with this policy, any commercial productions taking place on campus must complete a written agreement before any plans may go forward. 

As a University contact, you are responsible for: 

  • Ensuring that the requestor (Production Company contact) has provided all necessary information below so that you can review and determine approval
    • Production contact name, email and phone number
    • The name and description of the project
    • Requested filming location(s)
    • Date(s) and time(s) for being onsite
    • Name(s) of UMN employees that the Production Company has been in contact with
    • When and where will the final production be seen
    • Is the Production Company requesting that the University be referenced by name or in images? If yes, provide specific details
    • Name, title and mailing address for authorized signer
  • Confirming the space is available
  • Consulting with any managers and staff of locations affected by the production
  • Determining if there are any reasons the University cannot approve the request

If the request is approved, University contacts will be responsible for:

  • Completing the Facility Use Agreement and Filming/Photography Addendum (docx download) that outlines the production and use of all imagery captured as part of the production.
    • Note: the agreement may need to be reviewed by other appropriate University offices such as the Real Estate Office or Facilities Management.
    • If the Production Company requests revisions or changes to the agreement documents, those must be requested by them in writing, submitted to the University contact. The University contact will need to forward the requested changes to the University's Office of the General Counsel for their review and approval.  
  • Collecting all fees from the Production Company. (See Standard Rates)
  • Collecting a Certificate of Insurance (COI) from the Production Company. The Certificate of Insurance must name “Regents of the University of Minnesota” as additional insured and must show evidence of Comprehensive General Liability insurance in amounts not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 in the aggregate or a combined single limit of $1,000,000.

If the Production Company wishes to include University's names, logos and trademarks in the production, the University contact should:

  • Alert University Relations through the Brand Inquiry form. University Relations will review the request and if approved, will issue a Trademark License Agreement outlining the use of the University's names, logos and trademarks. This Trademark License Agreement should be attached to the Facility Use Agreement and Filming/Photography Addendum. 
  • Use of the University's name or identity in any way requires additional review and approval time and may delay your production.

Upon receipt of the agreement signed by the requestor, the University contact will sign and return a final version, with all relevant documentation for the production to the requestor.

University Filming Contacts

Crookston campus - Brandy Chaffee -

Duluth campus - Lynne Williams -

Morris campus - Kari Adams -

Rochester campus - Molly Olson -

Twin Cities Campus Contacts:

Academic Support Resources - Carin Anderson -

Athletics - Paul Rovnak -

Bell Museum of Natural History - Adrienne Wiseman -

Carlson School of Management - James Plesser -

Center for Spirituality & Healing - Kit Breshears -

College of Biological Sciences - Stephanie Xenos -

College of Design - Akemi Graves -

College of Education and Human Development - Christina Clarkson -

College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences - Tim Loesch -

College of Liberal Arts - Tessa Eagan -

College of Pharmacy - Dawn Tucker -

College of Science & Engineering - Rhonda Zurn -

Continuing and Professional Studies - Stephanie Platteter -

Extension - Becky Beyers -

Global Programs and Strategy Alliance - Jennifer Schulz -

Graduate School - Molly Schwartz -

HH Humphrey School of Public Affairs - Meagan Pierluissi -

Housing and Residential Life - Katie Olson-Williams -

Institute on the Environment - Julie Hanus -

Law School - Monica Wittstock -

Learning Abroad Center - Antonia C. Lortis -

Libraries - Mark Engebretson -

Masonic Cancer Center - Max Huber -

Medical School - Alyssa Dindorf -

MSimulation Center - Anne Woll -

Northrop - Cari Hatcher -

Office for Equity and Diversity - Lisa Marshall -

Office for Student Affairs - Meaghan Miller Thul -

Office of Information Technology - Kellie Greaves -

Office of the Vice President for Research - Dan Gilchrist -

Outdoor Spaces - David Hill -

Public Health - Rachel Smith -

School of Dentistry - Maureen Lovestrand -

School of Nursing Bentson Healthy Communities Innovation Center 

Veterinary Medicine - Martin Moen -

Weisman Art Museum - -Susannah Schouweiler -

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