Maximizing your voice: Tips for communicators from the world of radio

Rehearsing your delivery is an essential part of preparing for radio, TV, and podcast interviews. But building confidence in your speaking voice can have wide-ranging benefits for communications professionals, from presentations to first impressions. Here are some tips on “radio voice” and studio space that can be useful even for those of us who conduct most of our business by keyboard.

Jessica Hansen, who coaches NPR reporters on vocal delivery, offers guidance in this piece which includes a helpful video. Her tips include:

  • Breath exercises can improve vocal agility and range.
  • Develop resonance using the front of the mouth and sinuses to amplify your voice and reduce vocal fry.
  • Practice reading through your key points in a character voice (such as a cowboy, toddler, or auctioneer) to explore ways of bringing your message to life.
  • Imagine a familiar listener as you speak to help you focus and reduce anxiety.

More tips on developing your voice from Bunny Studio:

  • Exercise range of their vocal cords, practicing words in low and high octaves.
  • Practice enunciating words that seem difficult in a mirror.
  • Warm up the voice with tongue, jaw, and lip exercises.
  • Record yourself periodically to check your progress.

Environmental factors and your office or studio space can have a huge impact on what your audience will hear. Here is some additional advice from us as well as tips from Descript on how to reduce noise and upgrade your sound:

  • Whether working from home or the office, try to find a quiet, comfortable space without too much echo.
  • Avoid speakerphone if you can—even an inexpensive headset with an attached mic will sound better.
  • If you find yourself regularly appearing in interviews, consider investing in a microphone and simple audio processing tools (often marketed to podcasters) to get the most out of your natural voice.
  • If you’re stuck in a noisy environment, speaking close to a dynamic microphone will filter out some of the noise around you.