To assist in your efforts to represent and promote the university, we’ve created a list of resources available to you. Search term(s) results will include blog posts and communication resources. Search by keyword, category, tag, or any combination of the three to narrow your results.
5 tips for preparing a first-time interviewee
Five common questions we hear from first-time interviewees, and some of the ways that you as a communicator—along with your experts—can feel more confident getting started.
A statewide mindset in communications
The Minnesota Star Tribune’s ambitious rebranding presents an opportunity for communicators to think about statewide identity and messaging across communities.
AP Style tips for race-related writing
Use these seven tips to help you choose the most appropriate and precise language in your writing.
AP Styleguide: Inclusive storytelling
The Associated Press Stylebook has made numerous updates around inclusive language. We’re highlighting some of the recent changes to use in future storytelling.
Belated happy International Plain Language Day!
Plain writing helps audiences take less time to read and understand.
Chat got your tongue? Lessons for AI cheerleaders and skeptics
Tips for communicators navigating the pros and cons of AI in the workplace.
Driven for Greater MN Explained
Driven for Greater MN is a weekly email newsletter prepared by University Relations for journalists covering Greater Minnesota.
Election year surveys highlight Americans’ views on media
While overall trust in the media remains low, a number of recent surveys show Americans’ views on the media in detail.
Even Oxford leaves out the Oxford comma sometimes
Like discussing Chevys versus Fords, Canon versus Nikon cameras, or Fender versus Gibson guitars, there has been a lot of passionate discussion around the Oxford, or serial, comma.
Expert alerts explained
Expert Alerts are one of several proactive tools the PR team uses to connect journalists with University of Minnesota expertise. Produced in partnership with unit or college communicators, this tool is a great strategic option for University experts to share insights on a newsworthy subject.
Five differences between AP Style and Chicago Style
Learn about how both writing styles differ on the Oxford comma, em dashes, numbers, titles, and more.